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Hop Off The Train

This morning I was drying my hair and thinking about the day ahead.

I don’t know about you, but the whole shower sequence is an idea incubator for me.

So, I’m blowing out my hair, thinking about a free talk that I’m giving next week with Dana Hilmer – ideas were firing so quickly that I had to keep putting down the brush to jot down my thoughts.

Then POP!

A particular person appeared in my thoughts – for no apparent reason.

And for no apparent reason this led me to start thinking about politics.

And THAT got my emotions charged up.

The next thing I knew, my mind was swirling with thoughts about politics.

I had gotten on the wrong train.

Had I not noticed it could have derailed my entire morning – maybe even my day.

Here’s what it looks like:

The thing is, you really can choose what train you get on - you just have to decide where you want to end up.