Five Things You Can to do Make This the Best December Ever

Leaning into Opportunity this Holiday Season. 



The period between Thanksgiving and January 1st brings with it a unique set of opportunities and challenges.

We want to end the year strong, plan for the next one, and enjoy all of the magic that the holidays offer, but we rarely do.  

Instead, we wear ourselves out trying to do too much without being clear on what we actually hope to accomplish.

And so…

  • Any new habits we’re working on start to slide.

  • Our productivity on projects that matter to us get sidetracked.

  • We put off getting clear on our goals.

  • The expectations we set about the holidays get in the way of our experience of them.

  • Our fears around time and money weigh down our energy and enjoyment.

We end up feeling exhausted and crummy.
Here’s the thing… 

Studies have proven that there really is something to that old saying TIMING IS EVERYTHING. And this time of year is actually ideal for planning, action and joy.


Transitional periods (times at end of one thing and the beginning of another) are also periods of the heightened reflection, inspiration and innovation that underpin our plans for the future.

Likewise, we are most likely to successfully start (and act on) something new at a time that feels like a natural beginning (a Monday, the 1st of the month or year, a new environment like a new home or job).

Additionally, this season, rife with tradition, social gathering and festivity provides abundant opportunity for the types of meaningful connection that make us happier.

When you’re in frenzied holiday mode, you miss out these opportunities.

Of course, you inherently knew that, which is why this season makes you so crazed and stressed out in the first place. 

So how do you lean into the opportunity to reflect, plan and act NOW without missing out on the fun and joy of the holidays?

This Week:  5 Steps to Leaning into Opportunity and Away from Stress this Holiday Season.


Get crystal clear on what you want to accomplish this month.

-What about your current life would you like to leave behind in 2019?

-What would you like to create in your life in 2020?

-What will you need to have in place to make that happen?

-How do you want to feel during the holidays this year?

-How do you want to show up (be perceived by others) during the holidays?

-What activities o you enjoy and want to participate in (sending cards, trimming tree, going to parties, etc…) this holiday season


Let go of all expectations of how this month should look. Choose only to engage in actions that support your intentions.

Be KIND to yourself…but don’t let yourself off the hook 

While self-care is a critical component of a happy, successful life, it’s shouldn’t be a get-out-of-jail-free card that allows you to procrastinate your goals when the going gets tough.  

Excellent self-care means downtime, healthy eating, little indulgences, exercise AND prioritizing the goals that lead to the future you’re trying to create.

Saying “I’ll do it after the holidays” is a sure-fire way to be making the same declaration next December.


This is the single most effective way to get it all done and enjoy it. When you’re working, work – when you’re shopping, shop – when you’re celebrating, celebrate, etc…


You don’t have to go it alone. Share the load.  Ask for help decorating or shopping, delegate administrative tasks, etc…