The Keys to the Castle are Already in Your Pocket.

We're headed into a New Year and chances are good that we'll all face some difficult moments.

There will be sadness - maybe even loss or grief.
There will be change - because there always is.
There will be nasty politics - an election year certainly won't improve that.
There will be turmoil - wars, climate change, and difficult relationships.

There will be SO MANY THINGS to pull your focus.

That's why I thought I'd let you in on a little secret - something I've learned over tens of thousands of hours of coaching people.

No matter how big or small your goal...
No matter how grave or undemanding the circumstances of your life...
No matter how clear or unclear you are about your direction...

There is ONE THING that stands between you and a year of happiness, fulfillment, and peace of mind.

Your perspective.

It's what you tell yourself and others about your goals that makes them either more or less achievable.

It's the way you explain the circumstances of your life (or the world) to yourself and others that highlights or hides opportunity and fuels or derails your motivation.

It's fear (of making the right choice, taking the right action or finding the right time) that obscures the path that's right in front of you.

Change your perspective and you'll change your life.

What do you think would happen if you came to believe that...


You are already enough,
you're always ok,
and life is beautiful exactly as it is in every moment.

Do you think you'd lose your edge?
Or that you'd become complacent?

If you're afraid that you and everything else would go to hell in a hand basket, you're not alone. These fears - and so many more - come up for everyone.

Yet, in reality, the opposite happens.

When you come from a foundation of enough, ok, and acceptance, you...
See more opportunity.
Become more focused and motivated.

Not bad, eh?