Movie Magic


When you really, really want something, or when it’s new or scary, it’s hard to know what to do next.

vision, mindset, fear

When you really, really want something, or when it’s new or scary, it’s hard to know what to do next.

Even when we think we know what to do, we tend to second guess ourselves and then freeze in place rather than moving forward.

When you feel that way, try this:

Imagine you are sitting in the back row of a movie theater.  

Every seat is filled.  

The film that you’re all watching is about you, in the very circumstance that’s making you nervous or unsure.

Use the movie to play out the different options you think you have.

Notice when you and the audience cringe because the protagonist (you) play(s) small because she’s too afraid to be herself.

Notice the way some audience members actually shout “NO!” when she’s about to retreat or give up – they can see that she just has to keep going – that the prize is just around the corner.

Notice the way they cheer when she bounces back from failure, embarrassment or obstacles.

Play the film over and over until you see the scenario that makes you feel truly proud of that protagonist.

Then, do that. : )

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