Playground Goggles


Broaden your perspective and everything changes.

relationships, perspective, happiness

From early on in our childhoods, we start to build a suit of armor and a cache of weapons.

Each time we’re frightened or hurt, we add another plate to that armor.  Each time we’re bullied or knocked down, we add another arrow to our quiver.

By the time we’re adults, we’re walking around encased in a heavy iron suit, dragging an arsenal of weapons behind us.

We sense it in one another.

We rarely interact human to human – even in our most tender moments, most of us are engaging warrior to warrior.   

And yet, beneath that armor we are all still that five-year-old kid who just wanted to explore, to play, to be seen, to be understood, to be loved.

Putting on Playground Goggles is a way to see through the armor. 

The Practice

Try looking at every person you meet as that little kid – no matter how they’re showing up in the moment.

When you do, they sense something different than they’re used to.  They automatically feel a little more seen or heard or understood.  

They put down their weapons. That, in turn, loosens your armor and they sense it.

They feel a little safer to explore, play and to be themselves.  

You feel a little safer to explore, play and be yourself.  

You put your weapons aside. They sense it which causes them to loosen their armor.

This isn’t always obvious, and it rarely creates huge instant change in a relationship.  But it does immediately create a little nuanced shift that leads to the next one and the next one.  

In time, this one simple, tiny practice will completely alter your relationships to where all of your interactions are human to human and everyone feels seen, heard and understood.

Give it a try.

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