YOU, an Influencer?

Yup. Your sphere of influence is bigger than you think.

In the fast-paced social media world of 2020 the word influencer has a whole new meaning.
Influencers are the A-Listers of the internet and they’re used to sell everything from tires to toothpaste.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got nothing against influencers. 

In fact, I follow several.

In a time when many are feeling isolated and/or less in control of their world however, it’s important to understand how influence works.

And it’s rarely so big and sexy.

We all influence everything (and everyone) around us. 
We’re each part of a continuous cycle of filtering what the environment delivers to us as inputs and becoming a part the environment that others filter through our own behaviors as outputs.

It looks something like this...


Imagine what this dizzying graphic would look like if we included even a fraction of the people you came into contact with each day.

And yes, the people you come in contact with over zoom, on the phone, and in the comments sections of FB posts all count.

Each of us creates a ripple of influence every day, and most of the time, we're completely unaware of our impact.

This Week: 3 Steps to Using Your Influence Intentionally

  1. Stay PRESENT when you're interacting with other people. Whether it's a whiney child in your kitchen or someone who you don't agree with on FB, remember that there's a whole human, filled with all the same kinds of fear, hope, and emotion as you, attached to the behaviors coming through your filter.

  2. CHOOSE how you want to show up. What behaviors are the best of you? What can you do in the situation that makes things better? What actions might you take that you'll be most proud of tomorrow?

  3. EVALUATE the response you get.  Did your actions land as intended?  How do you feel after the interaction?

And, as always, repeat.  The more you practice and the more intentional you are, the more your influence will make this world a better place.

If you'd like to start your week with me live, join our free Positive Mornings call at 9:00am EST every Monday through April.