Those Beans Are Precious

There are 1440 minutes in a day. On average, Americans spend...
480 of them sleeping.
153 of them eating and drinking.
347 of them working.

The remaining 460 minutes get divvied up between the things we do to maintain our lives (errands, chores, moving from one place to another...) and the things we do to enjoy our lives (singing, reading, dancing, loving...)

How many of those precious 460 minutes are you spending intentionally? How many of them make you feel the way you want to feel about yourself and about your life?

How many of them are you truly present for?

If your answer to any of the questions above is "not enough," we encourage you to check out this video The Time You Have (In Jellybeans) by our favorite YouTuber, Ze Frank.
If you've seen it before, you already know - it's worth watching again.